International SPC srl Apps

Album Design 1
Album Design is the first fast, easy to learn,use, and affordable software full of digital wedding albumtemplates and wide graphic libraries that you as the professionalphotographer were waiting for.Album Design is the first plug-in for use with Adobe Photoshopspecifically designed to enhance the layout process of your digitalphoto albums.Album Design may be also linked with all types of External PhotoEditors for WIN and MAC: Lightroom, Aperture, Nikon NX2, CorelPhoto Paint, just to name a few and many others.
Xenon Group 3.1.0
Xenon Group nasce nel 2000 dall'idea diFrancesco Bottone, parrucchiere intraprendente, sempre alla ricercadi nuovi sbocchi per elevare la categoria dei parrucchieri peruomo.Il progetto nasce e sviluppa negli anni con l'intento di dicreare una rete di affiliati di qualità offrendo professionalità,esperienza maturata negli anni attraverso l'Europa.Xenon Group esegue dei corsi per gli addetti del settore,partendo sempre dalla moda internazionale attuale, sulla base dimovimenti formativi mondiali.Xenon Group was foundedin 2000 with the idea of ​​Francis Button, enterprisinghairdresser, always looking for new outlets to maximize thehairdressers for men.The project was created and developed over the years with theaim of creating a network of quality affiliates by offeringprofessionalism, experience gained over the years throughEurope.Xenon Group runs courses for industry insiders, always startingfrom the current international fashion, on the basis of educationalmovements in the world.
Rocky Bulls 1
Con arte marziale si intende unadisciplinalegata al combattimento che raccoglie al suo internodeterminatepratiche e tecniche codificate, fondate a loro volta suparticolariprincipi fisici, culturali o filosofici.Il termine è entrato nell'uso comune agli inizi degli annisessantaquando vennero introdotte in occidente le arti marzialiorientali etalvolta viene associata solo a queste ed in particolarealle artimarziali cinesi, giapponesi e coreane. In realtà già dal1500 isistemi di combattimento in Europa venivano definiti inquestomodo, un manuale inglese di scherma del 1639 in particolareloutilizzava riferendosi specificatamente alla "scienza e arte"delduello di spade, facendolo derivare dal latino poiché"artemarziale" significa letteralmente "arte di Marte", il dioromanodella guerra.Oggi, le arti marziali vengono studiate pervarieragioni: ottenere abilità di combattimento, autodifesa,sport,salute fisica e forma di ginnastica, autocontrollo,meditazione,responsabilizzazione sull'uso della forza, acquisireconfidenza colproprio corpo, sicurezza nelle proprie capacità econsapevolezzadei propri limiti. A questo scopo in Giappone e inCina, si praticail taiso un particolare tipo di allenamentoassociato allapreparazione atletica di chi pratica arti marziali.Alcune artimarziali sono considerate "tradizionali" e sono legatead unosfondo etnico, religioso o culturale, mentre altre sonomodernisistemi sviluppati o da un fondatore o daun'associazione.With martial artisdefined as a discipline related to the fight that collectsinsidecertain practices and codified techniques, based in turnonparticular physical principles, cultural or philosophical.The term came into common usage in the early sixties when theywereintroduced in the West Eastern martial arts and issometimesassociated only with these and in particular to theChinese martialarts, Japanese and Korean. In fact since 1500 thecombat systems inEurope were defined in this way, an English manualfencing in 1639in particular used it in reference specifically tothe "science andart" of the sword fight, making it derive from theLatin word for"martial art" literally means "the art of Mars," theRoman god ofguerra.Oggi, the martial arts are studied for variousreasons: toget combat skills, self-defense, sport, health andphysical form ofexercise, self-control, meditation, accountabilityon the use ofstrength, gain confidence with their bodies,confidence in theirown ability and awareness of its limitations. Tothis end, in Japanand in China, we practice the taiso a particulartype of trainingassociated with the athletic training of those whopractice martialarts. Some martial arts are considered'traditional' and are linkedto a background of ethnic, religious orcultural factors, whileothers are modern systems developed or afounder or anassociation.
Fotografia Osta Gennaro 3.1.0
Osta Gennaro ,nato a Napoli nel 1982 mettelebasi nel mondo dellafotografia, nel 1996 decidendeo di " studiare la luce "iscrivendosialla scuolafotografica. Grazie ad una passione immensa per la fotografia eaduna adeguataistruzione, inizia a stampare foto in bianco e nero con il caroevecchio ingranditoreper poi adeguarsi col passar del tempo alle nuove tecnichedigitaliacquisendo le giustenozioni per usare al meglio questa passione. Nell'attesadidiplomarsi associa allo studio la pratica iniziando laclassicagavetta con alcuni dei fotografi piu'famosi a Napolisapendo trarneisegriti e le tecniche giuste per poter svolgere al meglio l'artedelFotografo.Dopo il conseguimento del diploma come " Tecnicodell'immaginefotografica "si lancia nel mondo dei Fotografi professionisti creando cosiloStudio Fotografia OstaGennaro. Lo Studio "Fotografia Osta Gennaro" di Napoli,oggiformatoda uno staffgiovane e dinamico, ma con tanta esperienza , mira a "fermareneltempo" le vostre emozionidando il giusto mix tra posa e reportage nuziale, finalizzandoiltutto con una post produzionemolto accurata.Osta Gennaro, borninNaples in 1982 puts the basics in the world ofphotography, in 1996 decidendeo to "study the light" by enrollingatthe schoolphoto. With a huge passion for photography and to an adequateeducation, began to print pictures in black and white with thedearold enlargerthen adapt over time to new digital techniques, acquiringtherightLearn to use the most of this passion. While waiting tograduatestudy combining the practice starting the classic rankswith someof the photographers famous high street names in Naplesknowing thedrawsegriti and the right techniques in order to perform at theirbestart photographers.After obtaining a diploma as "Technician of thephotographicimage"is launched into the world of Professional Photographersthuscreating the Studio Photography OstaGennaro. The Studio "Photography Osta Gennaro" Naples,todayconsists of a staffyoung and dynamic, but with so much experience, it aims to"stoptime" your emotionsgiving the right mix of speed and reportage wedding,finalizingeverything with a post-productionvery accurate.
Album Design Guide 3.1.0
Album Design Guide.This application is a really useful for all users of themostfamous plugin for Photoshop - Album Design. It can walk theusersthrough the all section of Album Design and help them todiscoverone by one all tricks which will render the layout of thedigitalphoto album easy, creative and fast.Album Design is the first fast, easy to learn, use,andaffordable software full of digital wedding album templatesandwide graphic libraries that you as the professionalphotographerwere waiting for.Album Design is the first plug-in for use with AdobePhotoshopspecifically designed to enhance the layout process ofyour digitalphoto albums.Album Design may be also linked with all types of ExternalPhotoEditors for WIN and MAC: Lightroom, Aperture, Nikon NX2,CorelPhoto Paint, just to name a few and many others.
JKM Images 3.1.0
JKM Images est une société de créationetd’impression d’albums photo.Ce laboratoire photo professionnel, créé en 2009, adéveloppéuneimportante entreprise dans le but de répondre aux besoins etauxobjectifsdes photographes professionnels.La variété des produits et services, toujours soumis à uncontrôlerigoureuxde qualité, les délais de livraison et des prix concurrentielsontpermis de répondre positivement à cet effet. L'offre JKM Imagesesten grande croissance ainsi que sa réputation dans le domaine delacréation et l'impression d'albums.JKM Images is acompanycreation and printing of photo albums.This professional photo lab, established in 2009, hasdevelopedaimportant business in order to meet the needs and objectivesprofessional photographers.The variety of products and services, always understrictcontrolquality, timely delivery and competitive prices have helpedtorespond positively to this. Offer JKM Images is great growthandreputation in the field of creation and printing ofalbums.
iPortfolio 3.0.0
Create your own custom App and manageitthrough the most popular network, by selecting one of the4fantastic designs designed by our best designers. PersonalizeyourPhoto Gallery, Videos and News in a real-time from anyInternetbrowser in a simple and immediate way. Available for AppleiOS andAndroid - for Tablet and Mobile.
Sendapp Free 5.0
Save time using SendApp Automate your Chat and turn it intoawinning weapon for your business Get to work with anall-in-onemarketing platform that keeps up with moderncommunication. Notechnical skills are required: just personalizeyour message withTexts, Images, Emojis and Links to create asuccessful advertisingcampaign with just a few clicks. Innovativemarketing Attractimmediate interest Stimulate actions withcustomers Automate thesending of messages Get great results Thebest way to do MarketingBring your marketing campaigns on your Chatthe most usedcommunication platform used by millions of people allover theworld. Create messages, send them and manage theentireconversation flow. Click to chat with the Chat withoutaddingcontacts to the address book Sendapp is a free app to sendmessageson your Chat to any number, even if they have not beensaved in thephone's address book. Easy to use (how it works) 1. Addtheinternational prefix 2. Add phone numbers (you can also usecopyand paste) 3. Enter a text message (you can also use copyandpaste) 4. Click on the "Send" button to send a message If youneedmore advanced features, you can find the one that's right foryouon our website